Spine Indie Book Fair
Jeannie Lant - Fiction
Kathy Bailey - Fiction: Romance, SciFi
Nonfiction: Guidebooks
Donna J. W. Munro - Fiction: Dystopia, YA
Rachel Swafford - Fiction: Literary
Jenna Malin - Fiction: Poetry
Bob Cyphers - Fiction: True Crime
Nonfiction: Christian Faith
Renee Verona - Fiction: Poetry
Charlene Waggoner - Fiction: Children's
Mantra - Fiction: Women's, Poetry, Children's
Nonfiction: Self-Help
Julie Nicolai - Nonfiction: Local History
Uma Eachempati - Nonfiction: Memoir
Tim Scherrer - Nonfiction: Military, Disaster, Comms
Jessy Lobel - Fiction: Illustrated Children's Book
Kathy L. Brown - Fiction: Urban Fantasy
Allyson Whipple - Fiction: Poetry (Haiku)
Elaine Corum Strawn - Fiction: Historical, Romance
Rebel Housewife - Nonfiction: Humor, Mental Health, Memoir
Katie Otey - Author/Publisher - Fiction: Children's
Nonfiction: Memoir
Joshua Ray Stephens - Fiction: SciFi, Fantasy, Horror, Cartoon Future
Robert Lay - Fiction: Cozy Mysteries
Stephanie Malench - Nonfiction: Health, Wellness
Michelle Collins Anderson - Fiction: Historical
Billups Allan - Fiction: Film Writing
Dr. V - Author/Publisher - Fiction: Children's
Nonfiction: Memoir
Joseph Fulkerson - Fiction: Horror
Aaron Fox - Fiction: Children's Picture Books
Nathan Karl - Fiction: SciFi, horror, fantasy
Aisling Storm - Fiction: Romance
Morgan Straughan Comnick - Fiction: YA, NA, Poetry, Paranormal,
Mystery, Romance, Poetry
Metro Trans Umbrella Group - Author/Publisher
Fiction and Nonfiction, LGBTQ+
Lucy Carrillo-Jedlicka - Fiction: SciFi-Fantasy
Gareth Ian Davies - Fiction: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Thriller
Rosalyn Briar - Fiction: Dark Fantasy
David Burleyson - Fiction: MG-Fantasy, Early Reader Chapter Book
Publisher: Ringtale Publishing
Edward Holmes - Fiction: Poetry
Geri Dreiling - Fiction: Mystery
Jillian Thomadsen - Fiction: Suspense
JD Vail - Fiction: Poetry
MacKenzie Lester - Nonfiction: Mental Health
Joshua Storment - Nonfiction: Mental Health
Liz Zerkel - Fiction: Romance
Stephanie Kazowz - Fiction: Romance
A.C. Mueller-Rowry - Nonfiction: Memoir
Peter Downs - Nonfiction: History
Janet Muhm - Nonfiction: Art Book
Eric Woods - Fiction: Horror/Thriller
Sharon Blue - Nonfiction: Self-Help
Mike Williams - Fiction: Sci-fi and YA
Clarence Wolfshohl - Fiction: Poetry
Chris Bauer - Fiction: Urban Fantasy
Katie Kibort-Gibbons - Fiction: Children’s picture books
Karryn Nagel- Fiction: Cozy Fantasy
Venassa Howard
Jessica Holtgrewe
Rose Beavers
Dino Kanlic - Nonfiction: Interactive Travel books
John McFarland - Fiction: Horror
SLPA - St. Louis Publishers Association
Spine Indie Book Fair
Bringing readers and writers together
(Formerly known as the St. Louis Indie Book Fair)
Spine Indie Book Fair will feature over 50 authors and several publishers showcasing their works at booths along Illinois Ave., between Benton Park and Spine Indie Bookstore & Cafe. Attendees can expect a diverse range of titles spanning genres such as YA, Horror, Travel, Faith-based, Children’s, Thriller, LGBTQ+, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Historical, Literary, and many more.
In addition to the vendor booths, writers are invited to the "Pitching Hour" from 1pm – 2pm inside the bookstore. This unique opportunity allows aspiring authors to pitch their story ideas to small press publishers for potential contracts.
Talks/Workshops 10:00 – 2:40
10:00 – 10:15 The Dangers of AI for Professional Writers
Stephanie Malench - Freelance writer and editor for over 20 years and a journalist for five
10:20 – 10:35 Writing Reviews
Billups Allen – Allen contributes music and film reviews regularly to Razorcake, Ugly Things, Record Time, and Lunchmeat magazines
10:40 – 10:55 Research
Julie Nicolai – Author of Enslavement & the Underground Railroad in MO & IL; historian of regional Black history for 25 years
11:00 – 11:15 Breaking Stereotypes
Gareth Ian Davies – Author of two novels in a paranormal thriller/urban fantasy series, in which several of the main characters are people of color, untypical of the genre
11:15 - 11:30 Gender Diversity in Writing
Abby Mueller w/ the Metro Trans Umbrella Group - Author/Publisher
11:35 – 12:10 Writing Genres
11:35 - 11:50 - Fantasy - Rosalyn Briar - Bestselling Author of Dark Fantasy novels and Indie Ink Award Winner
11:55 - 12:10 - Indie Comics - Joshua Ray Stephens - Ignatz Award nominee for his series VENOMYTHS. He’s taught Sequential Art and Illustration at Pratt Institute and the University of Georgia, and has lectured and given workshops at international institutions such as Fabrica in Italy, and Centro in Mexico City
12:15 – 12:50 Engaging Readers
Angelika Mueller-Rowry - Author, retired social worker (MSW/QMHP)
and educator, focused on enhancing critical thinking. Master's thesis was about Paolo Freire's liberatory "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"
Chris Bauer - 36 paid published short stories
12:55 - 1:30 Community Building
Janet Muhm – Graduated Washington University and is a long-time
resident of St. Louis. She worked as an art director in ad agencies and as a marketing director/writer for not for-profits before creating her first A YEAR IN THE CITY calendar in 2018
Edward Holmes w/ Acclivity Publishing - Edward is a 4-time
published author, speaker, and podcaster. His poetry has been featured in literary journals and podcasts with his Spotify debut amassing over 1,000 streams within the first three weeks. Edward will discuss the necessity of community as a writer and breaking out of the solitary mindset for growth.
1:40 – 2:40 Writing Advice (Workshop)
Bob Cyphers - Former KMOV producer/editor. Edward R. Murrow Award winner
Geri Dreiling - Former journalist, professor, and lawyer
Michelle Anderson - Graduated from the University of Missouri with a Bachelor of Journalism; and MFA in Fiction from Warren Wilson College. Best-selling novelist
The Pitching Hour 2:45 - 3:45
We'll have at least three publishers present to listen to your pitch for your story as you sell them on the idea of signing you!
1) Indies United Publishing House is open to hearing pitches in all
2) Ringtale Publishing is open to hearing pitches in Children's,
Middle Grade, and YA
3) TBA
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